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  • Standing Seam Clamp 17# Solar Mounting

    Standing Seam Clamp 17# Solar Mounting

Wochn standing seam clamp 17# is rail-based clamp to standing seam metal roof for solar installation. It's commonly used on single or double standing seam metal roof. The internal open slot 14mm * 23mm makes it versatile for most of the single locked standing seam metal roof, and double-locked standing seam metal roof with a horizontal width less than 14mm. This clamp maintains the elegance of your standing seam roof with no penetrate to the roof material.No penetrative means weatherproof for the roof to ensure the rooftop longer lifespan. And also ensure that must be mounted to the roof with permanence and durability. Pre-assembled two side-bolts for fast installation. Installation is as simple as placing the clamp on the seam and tightening the round-point setscrews to the specified tension to reach maximum holding strength. Rigorous load testing to ensure the longer lifespan and reliable.




The internal open slot 14mm * 23mm makes it versatile for most of the single locked standing seam metal roof, and double-locked standing seam metal roof with a horizontal width less than 14mm.

Non-penetrative, robust and waterproof

Non-penetrative, robust and waterproof

Installation is as simple as placing the clamp on the seam and tightening the round-point setscrews to the specified tension to reach maximum holding strength.

No penetrative means weatherproof for the roof to ensure the rooftop longer lifespan.



Easy compatible with WOCHN L feet solar mounting system to make standing seam clamp mount system more strong.

Longer lifespan and reliable.


Part NameQuantitySpecificationMaterial
Clamp138*51mmmAnodized Aluminium 6005-T5
Top screw1M8*20mmSUS304
Side screw4M8*25mmSUS304

Technical Data

Technical Data
Max pull out load vertical to roof: 7.8KN
Screw tension:up to 4NM
Ultimate Tensile Strength:62
Tensile Yield Strength:42
Fatigue Strength:100 Mpa
Shear Modulus:26.0 Gpa
Shear Strength:205 Mpa
Hardness, Knoop:21
Hardness, Vickers:701
Elongation at Break:0.80%
Modulus of Elasticity:69.0 Ga



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